Have you ever sat and considered how to drink your coffee the right way? This sounds sort-of crazy, we know. (Not to mention a little rude.) But we don’t mean to judge our fellow coffee aficionados with the idea. When we say drink coffee the right way, we mean, essentially, the best way to enjoy
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Can coffee help safeguard your health? The science tells us a wholehearted yes! Coffee is often considered a luxury or—for those of us who are obsessive drinkers—even an indulgence. It just feels so good, you know? We all understand when a mug of good black coffee hits just right…it’s deliciously sinful. Yet beyond the psychological
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Keurigs and espresso machines, percolators and French presses… There’s a thousand ways to brew a cup of coffee, but, to be honest? You probably know most of them already. (Sometimes, “mouthfeel” and flavor be damned, bad java is better than no java at all when you’re in a pinch.) This isn’t a blog post about
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What Does Aroma Have To Do With How My Coffee Tastes? If you’re on our website, you know the smell of coffee and the overwhelming sense of pure joy that comes with it. No matter your favorite flavor, no matter how you prepare it, one thing unites you with all other coffee-drinkers: every morning becomes
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How, exactly, does water affect your coffee? Honestly, we didn’t really know the full extent of it…not at first. We consider ourselves coffee experts—connoisseurs, if you will. And we understood that the flavor and make-up of our tap water definitely could enhance (or ruin) a great cup of coffee. Everyone knows that. However, we never
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Come for the coffee.
Stay for the community.
Using one of our patented SHAD Lids is a great way to get the most out of your coffee, but it’s not the only way. From beans to brew, community outreach to global philanthropy, we want to teach all coffee lovers about the benefits of sustainably sourced, thoughtfully prepared coffee.
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